Saturday, December 1, 2012

3rd Grade Fire Safety Poster Contest

The 3rd grade class at Prairie Valley Elementary has been working on graphic art skills of balance, line, color, shape, and center of attention.  The theme for the art work was ,'Have 2 Ways Out' and involved creating a poster for a 'Fire Safety' contest.  The school is fortunate to have several fine volunteer fire departments and many parents and community members are trained volunteer fire fighters.  Thank you to the local Fire Departments for hosting and giving support to this contest.  The following three posters were selected to go to the state competition.  Student names will be posted at a later date.

Well the winners were Tatum 1st place, Lucas 2nd, and Jayden  3rd.  The posters were judged by three members of staff and fire fighters families.  The area fire chiefs came and surprised the students with the awards and then a picture was taken for the paper.  Some very excited students.  The posters have been sent to the state competition and we will await word of how they did.  All posters will be displayed in the elementary building for parents and community to view. 

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